Morning Sickness.

Oh Morning sickness, will it stop?

Did you find out you were pregnant when Morning sickness hit? It’s quite cruel how you feel like you have been drinking all night when you don’t.You feel worn out and exhausted and it’s only 7 in the morning. Most people don’t have the luxury of laying down, with a warm compress on their stomach and eating crackers.  Morning sickness can last all day and night. It can last the whole pregnancy, like my good friend Michelle, she resorted to acupuncture for relief.”If I knew then what I know now,” we say.

Pregnancy is always a blessing but can come with very uncomfortable symptoms.   I have had  4 children and 2 miscarriages, I was in the prime of my life and doctors couldn’t tell me why my body kept going into preterm labor. It was a roll of the dice: so I did what books told me and doctors told me to.I wish I would have had the knowledge then that I have now. Essential oils have been used throughout history. You may not know this but the best essential oil blend for Morning sickness is peppermint, ginger, fennel, and Digestzen from Doterra is the best way to ease your tummy while making a human being inside you.

I am quoting the webinar “Empowering your life series, that all customers can watch, Mothers and babies,  Learn from Certified Professional Midwife Stephanie Fritz, certified labor doula and childbirth educator Holly Lo, Registered Nurse Sarah Vansteenkiste, and Board Certified Surgeon Dr. Paul Winterton as they give tips and information about doTERRA essential oils and safe uses during pregnancy and labor.Was very interesting.They usually run about 20 minutes each. I have 20 or so of these to watch on various topics.

If you are needing to increase your knowledge like me, you can sign up here today!